Waterproofing 101

Foundation cracks 570x380

How to evaluate a foundation crack

Posted Dec 14, 2020 in Foundation Crack Repair, Waterproofing

Finding a crack in your basement wall or floor can be disheartening and cause great anxiety. Immediately you start worrying about damaging water flooding the space and the cost of…

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Window Well Covers Custom Made

Window well covers 101

Posted Dec 07, 2020 in Waterproofing, Window Wells and Covers

Normally, basement leaks are attributed to foundation cracks and other points of entry for water through foundation walls. To a lesser extent, wet basements result from poor window well drainage;…

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4 facts about wet basements

Posted Sep 28, 2020 in Foundation Crack Repair, Waterproofing, Sump Pump Solutions, Crawlspace Encapsulation, Drain Tile System

There are a lot of misconceptions out there about leaky basements and foundation damage. Some people think it’s not really a big deal, and others believe that foundation repair means…

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Crack repair 1

Exterior crack repair process

Posted Aug 31, 2020 in Foundation Crack Repair, Waterproofing

Exterior crack repairs are a great way to stop the leak before it can even get into the crack. This method saves the homeowner the expense of having to remove…

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Crack injection 1

Interior crack injections

Posted Aug 31, 2020 in Foundation Crack Repair, Waterproofing

Showing interior cracks that have never been repaired would be too easy. Let’s dive into the more challenging crack repairs, the previous homeowner’s DIY repair. We chose this particular crack…

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Craked driveway

Polyurethane vs mudjacking for sunken concrete

Posted Aug 24, 2020 in Concrete Raising

When needing to raise and level concrete slabs that have sunk such as sidewalks, driveways, and patios; people sometimes get confused in selecting the best out of two common methods:…

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Diagnose your basement leaks in a few simple steps

Posted Aug 10, 2020 in Waterproofing, DIY Center

Let’s be honest, basement waterproofing is not really that essential during the COVID-19 shutdown. I am not minimizing what we do, but it is more likely that you have bumped…

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Sinking concrete

Why is my concrete sinking?

Posted May 17, 2020 in Concrete Raising

What caused your concrete slab to sink? (The concrete we are referring to include sidewalks, driveways, patio slabs, pool decks, and even some home foundations.) Most concrete slabs are free-floating…

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FWS Company Update – COVID-19

Posted Apr 07, 2020 in News

We would like to thank everyone who is participating and supporting the efforts to help suppress the spread of Coronavirus. We especially would like to thank our first responders, medical…

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COVID-19 Company Update

Posted Mar 23, 2020 in Foundation Crack Repair

This is a difficult time for our world. It is with heavy hearts, but full understanding that we as Illinoisans, will follow the instruction of our Governor. We will be…

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What our customers say

  • We con­tract­ed Fam­i­ly Water­proof­ing Solu­tions for exte­ri­or wall seal­ing and foun­da­tion crack repair ser­vices. Ken was very thor­ough in explain­ing the work that would be done, and his crew did a great job. This busi­ness was a plea­sure to work with.

    Stacie T.
  • Work­man­ship and ser­vice were excel­lent. Would rec­om­mend with­out reservation.

  • You and your crew did a great job in our base­ment and crawl­space. You went the extra mile to insure that all of our water seep­age prob­lems are over. We would rec­om­mend you high­ly to oth­er peo­ple. Your qual­i­ty and time­ly work out­match­es all the others.
