Window well covers facts

Posted Mar 31, 2021 in Window Wells and Covers

Windowwellcovers 750x500

High qual­i­ty, cus­tom fit­ted win­dow well cov­ers pro­vide safe­ty and pro­tec­tion to a home in many ways, and they are an excel­lent invest­ment for the main­te­nance of a home. While allow­ing nor­mal ven­ti­la­tion and access to light, win­dow well cov­ers help to avoid falls from chil­dren and ani­mals, they pro­tect a home from water and debris, and they can pro­tect a home from intrud­ers. A win­dow well cov­er should not be flim­sy, one size fits all cov­er. It should be cus­tom fit and made of strong mate­ri­als for true safe­ty and protection.

Open met­al win­dow wells are a safe­ty haz­ard for chil­dren, house pets, and wild ani­mals. There have been many report­ed falls of chil­dren, and even some adults, into open, unpro­tect­ed win­dow wells. Ani­mals like deer, squir­rels, and cats have fall­en or even nest­ed in win­dow wells, cre­at­ing the safe­ty haz­ard of wildlife access­ing a home. A well-fit­ted win­dow well cov­er helps avoid these secu­ri­ty risks for those who are poten­tial­ly hurt, as well as pro­tect­ing the home.

A con­tin­ued prob­lem for met­al win­dow wells is debris and water leak­ing into a house dur­ing sea­son­al changes and storms. Water or mois­ture in a base­ment leads to the dam­age and crack­ing of a home’s foun­da­tion. Addi­tion­al­ly, mold growth and air qual­i­ty issues can occur from mois­ture leak­ing into a home. A win­dow well cov­er keeps out dirt, water, snow, and leaves, and pro­tects a home by keep­ing the win­dow wells clean and dry.

What our customers say

  • We con­tract­ed Fam­i­ly Water­proof­ing Solu­tions for exte­ri­or wall seal­ing and foun­da­tion crack repair ser­vices. Ken was very thor­ough in explain­ing the work that would be done, and his crew did a great job. This busi­ness was a plea­sure to work with.

    Stacie T.
  • You and your crew did a great job in our base­ment and crawl­space. You went the extra mile to insure that all of our water seep­age prob­lems are over. We would rec­om­mend you high­ly to oth­er peo­ple. Your qual­i­ty and time­ly work out­match­es all the others.

  • Work­man­ship and ser­vice were excel­lent. Would rec­om­mend with­out reservation.
